(a)   Building Official shall mean the person officially appointed by the governing body of the city.

(b)   Health Officer shall mean the director of the Wichita-Sedgwick County Department of Public Health or his or her authorized representative.

(c)   House Trailers shall mean any portable structure or vehicle designed for highway travel which is used or intended to be used for either living, sleeping, eating or cooking purposes and which does not include all of the following facilities: a flush water closet, a lavatory, a bath or shower and kitchen sink.

(d)   Mobile Home shall mean any portable structure or vehicle designed for highway travel which is used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking and eating and which includes a kitchen sink, a flush water closet, a lavatory, a bathtub or shower, a stove and a refrigerator.

(e)   Mobile Home Park shall mean land used or intended to be used by one or more occupied mobile homes and/or house trailers and shall provide spaces for at least 10 mobile homes and/or house trailers.

(f)    Mobile Home Space shall mean a plot of ground within a mobile home park which is designated to accommodate one mobile home or house trailer and which provides service facilities for water, sewage, and electricity.

(g)   Occupy, Occupancy, or Occupied shall mean the use of any mobile home or house trailer by any person for living, sleeping, cooking or eating purposes for any period of four or more consecutive days.

(h)   Park shall mean mobile home park.

(i)    Person shall mean any individual, firm, trust, partnership, association or corporation.

(j)    Roadway shall mean any private street located within a park and provided for the general vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the park.

(Ord. 85, Sec. 1)

It shall be unlawful for any person to occupy a mobile home or house trailer in the city, unless such mobile home or house trailer is located in a park. Persons occupying mobile homes and house trailers on or before April 11, 1975 shall be excepted from locating in a park.

(Ord. 85, Sec. 2)

All persons parking trailers in the city shall obtain a park license after approval of the required application by the building official and the health officer and only after payment of the required fee. All persons operating parks shall obtain a park license before occupancy or continued use of such park, with such license being issued only after approval the required application by the building official and the health officer and only after payment of the required fee. The park licensee shall be renewed annually, 12 months from the date of the previous license, after approval by the building official and health officer and after the payment of the required fee. No person shall operate a park without a current park license.

(Ord. 85, Sec. 3)

All persons developing new parks shall make an application to the building official for a park license. Such application shall be in triplicate, in writing, signed by the applicant and shall include the following: the name, address and telephone number of the applicant; the location and legal description of the proposed park; three complete sets of plans for the park showing compliance with all applicable provisions of this article including a plot plan of the park drawn to scale, at not less than one inch equal 30 feet, showing the park dimensions; number, location and size of mobile home spaces; location and width of roadways, walkways, off-street parking and easements; location, size and specifications of buildings, sewers, water lines and gas lines; the location and specifications of any sewage disposal system and water supply system; the existing topography and a drainage grading plan. The submitted plans may be approved by the building official for construction only after they have been reviewed and approved by the health officer. One set of the approved plans shall be retained by the health officer, one by the building official, and one returned to the applicant. Approval and issuance of a park license for such new parks shall not be made until construction in accordance with the approved plans has been completed. Applications for license for existing trailers shall be made to the city clerk upon approval of the building official. The license fee shall be set forth in the City’s annual fee resolution. Upon expiration of the period for which the license was issued, the license shall be renewable upon approval of the building official. The city clerk is hereby authorized to pro rate fees for licenses herein to insure that all mobile home, house trailer and mobile home park licenses will become due for renewal during the same month of any respective year.

(Ord. 164, Sec. 2; Code 2009)

All parks shall be located on a well drained site properly graded to insure adequate drainage and freedom from stagnant pools of water.

(Ord. 85, Sec. 5)

(a)   Area. At least one mobile home space in each park shall contain not less than 4,500 square feet. All additional mobile home spaces in each park shall contain a minimum of 3,500 square feet for each such additional space with the boundaries properly marked.

(b)   Side Setback and Clearance. All mobile homes or houses trailers shall be so located on the mobile home space as to maintain no less than 10 feet set back clearance from any side boundary line and no less than 40 feet side clearance from another mobile home, house trailer or building.

(c)   Front Setback. All mobile home or house trailers shall be so located on the mobile home space as to maintain a front setback of not less than 40 feet from the center line of a park roadway or 50 feet from any public street or highway right-of-way, and in no instance, shall such setback be less than 10 feet from the edge of the park roadway.

(d)   Rear Setback and Clearance. All mobile homes or house trailers shall be so located on the mobile home space as to maintain no less than 10 feet setback clearance from the rear boundary of the mobile home space and no less than 24 feet rear clearance from another mobile home or house trailer.

(e)   Abutting on Roadways. All mobile home spaces shall abut upon a roadway or street of not less than 30 feet in width. Each park roadway shall be continuous.

(f)    Identification of Roadways and Spaces. All park roadways and mobile home spaces shall be clearly identified with letters or numerals of a light reflecting material. Such letters or numerals are to be a minimum of two inches in height.

(g)   Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall be provided so that at least one space per trailer is provided; provided that, park roadways shall not be used to provide the required off-street parking.

(h)   Lighting. All park roadways shall be lighted at night with 100 watt lamps at a maximum interval of 200 feet located approximately 20 feet from the ground.

(i)    Recreation Area. All parks shall have a recreation area which is safely located and has play equipment and benches for at least a number of persons equal to 1½ persons per trailer space in the park.

(Ord. 85, Sec. 6)

(a)   Required. An accessible safe and potable supply of water as approved by the health officer shall be provided in each park; provided that if city water is available it shall be used and in such case all applicable ordinances of the city shall be complied with.

(b)   Service Connections. Individual water service connections to the park water supply system shall be provided at each mobile home space. Such service connections for new parks shall be at least three-quarters inch in diameter and equipped with three-quarters inch valve outlet. The outlet shall be located at least four inches above ground surface and protected from surface water flooding. Water service pipes shall be protected against freezing. Below ground shutoff valves may be used but stop and waste valves shall not be used.

(c)   Piping and Plumbing Facilities. Piping and plumbing facilities shall be sized to provide a minimum of 60 pounds per square inch of pressure at all mobile home or house trailer connections.

(Ord. 85, Sec. 7; Code 1992)

(a)   Individual Sewer Connections. Each mobile home space shall be provided with no less than a three inch sewer connection. Such individual connection shall be provided with suitable fittings so that a water tight connection can be made between the mobile home or house trailer drain and the sewer connection. The connection shall be so constructed that it can be and is closed when not connected to the mobile home or house trailer and shall be trapped in such a manner as to be maintained in an odor-free condition. When the park sewer system is connected to the city’s sanitary sewer system, individual connection shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the applicable ordinances of the city.

(b)   Submain Connections. Individual house trailer or mobile home sewer connections in new parks shall be made to submains of sufficient size to serve the park at its ultimate maximum capacity. Where a new park sewer system is connected to the city’s sewer system, such submains shall be at least six inches in diameter.

(c)   Treatment Plant. When the sewer lines of the park are not connected to a public sewer, a sewage treatment plant or sewage disposal system approved by the health officer shall be provided. The design of such facilities for new parks shall be based on the ultimate maximum of capacity of the park. The approval of the health officer shall be obtained on the type of treatment proposed and on the design of the facility prior to the construction.

(Ord. 85, Sec. 8)

Provisions for garbage and refuse storage, collection and disposal shall be maintained so as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accident hazards or air pollution and shall comply with the ordinances of the city.

(Ord. 85, Sec. 9)

A weather proof electrical outlet supplying at least 110 volts shall be provided for each mobile home space. All electrical wiring shall comply with applicable provisions of the electric code of the city. No power lines shall be permitted to lie on the ground or to be suspended less than 15 feet above the ground over any roadway or service area.

(Ord. 85, Sec. 10)

(a)   Liquified Petroleum Gas. When liquified petroleum gas is used, containers for such gas shall be the liquified petroleum gas containers approved by the Interstate Commerce Commission for its intended purpose and shall be integrally attached to the mobile home or house trailer in a manner as approved by the Liquified Petroleum Gas Association, Inc., or other approved authority. In the absence of such approved containers attached to the mobile home or house trailer, systems shall be installed as follows:

(1)   No LP container holding more than 25 gallons water capacity shall be connected to a mobile home or house trailer.

(2)   Containers shall be located at the front of the mobile home or house trailer near the hitch.

(3)   Containers shall be set on a firm, fire resistive base with a ventilated cover protecting the regulator and relief valve.

(4)   Containers shall be located at least 10 feet from any building or property line.

(5)   There shall be no door or window opening below the relief valve within five feet.

(b)   Natural Gas. Natural gas may be connected to mobile homes or house trailers under the following conditions:

(1)   All gas lines supplying mobile homes or house trailers shall be of adequate size to provide a sufficient supply of gas that will allow all appliances in the mobile home or house trailer to operate at their normal rate of capacity.

(2)   Where a gas utility company supplies gas to individual mobile homes or house trailers the service line to the mobile homes or house trailers shall be sized as required by the utility serving the same and a meter loop shall be made in accordance with the requirements of the utility company.

(3)   All gas lines including as service lines serving the mobile home or house trailer shall be buried not less than 18 inches below the ground to a point at or below the mobile home or house trailer.

(4)   For each individual mobile home or house trailer there shall be a gas stop cock, an automatic shutoff valve, a six-inch breakaway nipple which may consist of a three-quarter inch by six inch threaded PVC nipple, and an American Gas Association approved flexible connector, all installed on the line side of the connection of the mobile home or house trailer and in place readily accessible for use.

(Ord, 85, Sec. 11)

(a)   It shall be the duty of the person operating each park to keep a register containing a record of all mobile home and house trailer owners and tenants located within each park. The register shall contain the name and address of each occupant; the make, model, year and manufacturer of each mobile home and each house trailer; the dates of arrival and departure of each mobile home and house trailer.

(b)   The persons operating each park shall keep the register available for inspection at all times by law enforcement officers, assessor, public health officials and other officials whose duties necessitate acquisition of the information contained in the register. The original records of the register shall not be destroyed for a period of three years following the date of registration.

(Ord. 85, Sec. 12)

(a)   Alterations and additions which are affected by provisions herein within or to a park and facilities shall be made only after application to the building official and in conformity with all of the sections of this article.

(b)   No additions of any kind shall be built onto or become a part of any mobile home or house trailer except with the written approval of the building official. Approved skirting of the coaches and approved tie down are mandatory, but skirting shall not permanently attach the coach to the ground, provide a harborage for rodents or create a fire hazard.

(c)   The wheels of the mobile home or house trailer shall not be removed except temporarily when necessary for repairs. Jacks or stabilizers may be placed under the frame of the mobile home or house trailer to prevent movement on the springs while the trailer is parked and occupied. A mobile home or house trailer shall not be permanently attached to the ground or otherwise converted to a building unless it comply with the appropriate housing ordinances of the city.

(Ord. 85, Sec. 13)

The city governing body is hereby authorized to revoke any permit issued pursuant to the terms of this article, if after due investigation they determine the holder thereof has violated any of the provisions of this article or that any trailer house or trailer park or mobile home is being maintained in an unsanitary or unsafe manner or is a nuisance.

(Ord. 85, Sec. 16)

All persons who were occupying mobile homes or house trailers within the city on April 11, 1975 which were not located in a mobile home park on this date are herewith authorized to replace, rebuild, or remodel the existing mobile home or house trailer on the present location of the mobile home or house trailer subject to the following conditions:

(a)   All persons who intend to replace an existing mobile home or house trailer must obtain a new license within 10 days of replacing the mobile home or house trailer.

(b)   All persons who intend to rebuild or remodel an existing mobile home or house trailer must first obtain a building permit from the city.

(c)   All rebuilding or remodeling of an existing mobile home or house trailer must conform to the applicable building code.

(Ord. 164, Sec. 3)